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  • 楽天遊ING 楽天市場店【バーゲンセール】【中古】DVD▼映画 暗殺教室 レンタル落ち
    【バーゲンセール】【中古】DVD▼映画 暗殺教室 レンタル落ち
    楽天遊ING 楽天市場店

    ・二宮和也・椎名桔平・菅田将暉・山本舞香・竹富聖花・優希美青・上原実矩・橋本環奈・加藤清史郎 JAN 4988104098580 品 番 TDV25358R 出 演 二宮和也(殺せんせー)/椎名桔平(烏間惟臣)/菅田将暉(赤羽業)/山本舞香(茅野カエデ)/竹富聖花(中村莉桜)/優希美青(神崎有希子)/上原実矩(奥田愛美)/橋本環奈(自律思考固定砲台)/加藤清史郎(堀部イトナ) 原 作 松井優征 監 督 羽住英一郎 制作年、時間 2015年 110分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 東宝 ジャンル 邦画/アクション/学園/コミック原作/コメディ/人情喜劇  【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-05-09】【あらすじ】有名進学校「椚ヶ丘中学校」の落ちこぼれクラス3年E組に、どう見ても人間ではないタコ型の謎の生物が、突然、担任教師として現れた。
    その生物は月の7 割を破壊し、1年後の3 月には、地球破壊をも予告しているという。
    地球破滅へのタイムリミットが近づく中、謎の生物自ら、何故か椚ヶ丘中学校3 年E 組の担任となる事を政府に提案したのであったレンタル落ち商品のため、ディスク、ジャケットに管理シールが貼ってあります。


     JAN 4988104098580 品 番 TDV25358R 出 演 二宮和也(殺せんせー)/椎名桔平(烏間惟臣)/菅田将暉(赤羽業)/山本舞香(茅野カエデ)/竹富聖花(中村莉桜)/優希美青(神崎有希子)/上原実矩(奥田愛美)/橋本環奈(自律思考固定砲台)/加藤清史郎(堀部イトナ) 原 作 松井優征 監 督 羽住英一郎 制作年、時間 2015年 110分 製作国 日本 メーカー等 東宝 ジャンル 邦画/アクション/学園/コミック原作/コメディ/人情喜劇  【コメディ 爆笑 笑える 楽しい】 カテゴリー DVD 入荷日 【2023-05-09】【あらすじ】有名進学校「椚ヶ丘中学校」の落ちこぼれクラス3年E組に、どう見ても人間ではないタコ型の謎の生物が、突然、担任教師として現れた。
    その生物は月の7 割を破壊し、1年後の3 月には、地球破壊をも予告しているという。
    地球破滅へのタイムリミットが近づく中、謎の生物自ら、何故か椚ヶ丘中学校3 年E 組の担任となる事を政府に提案したのであったレンタル落ち商品のため、ディスク、ジャケットに管理シールが貼ってあります。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアChristian Lessons in John Woo Face/Off Criticism Vol 1 Movie Web article Face/Off: What Makes the John Woo Movie An Action Masterpiece by Donnie Smith【電子書籍】[ Alexis Skyrie ]
    Christian Lessons in John Woo Face/Off Criticism Vol 1 Movie Web article Face/Off: What Makes the John Woo Movie An Action Masterpiece by Donnie Smith【電子書籍】[ Alexis Skyrie ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Essential Series-This series provides the foundation of Christian teachings believed and followed by Alexis Skyrie, usually without the luxury of falling back on Popular Media to generate interest in reading.<br /> This text takes reflections from the Movie Web article Face/Off: What Makes the John Woo Movie An Action Masterpiece by Donnie Smith with corresponding Scriptures and other oddities of interest to the Christian community.<br /> The Devil wants you to stay in the Dark. God wants you in the Light and be Witnesses for Christ, who is being represented by this Grunge Worker.<br /> Matthew 6:11-Give us this day our daily bread.<br /> John 6:26- Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.<br /> John 6:56- he who is eating my flesh, and is drinking my blood, doth remain in me, and I in him.<br /> 1 Timothy 4:3-Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.<br /> 1 Corinthians 11:27-Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.<br /> Ecclesiastes 3:10- I have seen the task that God has given people to keep them occupied.<br /> 1 Thessalonians 1:5-For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.<br /> A labor of love.<br /> A Bible Goof Text<br /> A Scrapbook of Wonder<br /> Click Bait<br /> Warning: Text contains content for a Mature Audience<br /> The Matrix was written by The Wachowskis</p> <p>: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.<br /> : I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.</p> <p>What you are about to download isn’t just literature: it’s an attempt from the author to be your Pastor through the mediums of kobo and Facebook. It is a truly Christian experience and only the truly committed should apply, consequences outstanding.<br /> Taken from The Journey: How to Live in an Uncertain World by Billy Graham-Becoming a Christian takes only a single step; being a Christian means walking with Christ the rest of your life. Accepting Christ isn't the end but the beginning of a whole new life on God's path. Don't let anything keep you from that commitment.</p> <p>My ebooks are designed to be Church Services in an ebook. While there is a door price, being a Christian, and being led by a Church entity, you must continually suffer for Christ's sake and take up your cross with tithes towards the Church in question. In light of this, there are reminders of Coffee Breaks throughout this document regarding Romans 13:7 with some more light Christian reading pertaining to the faith in question.</p> <p>Taken from The Leadership Challenge 4th Edition by James M Kouzes and Barry Z Posner-Every single personal-best leadership case we collected involved some kind of challenge...Whatever the challenge, all the cases involved a change from the status quo.<br /> The Simpsons: Stark Raving Dad was written by Matt Groening, James L Brooks, and Sam Simon</p> <p>"Michael Jackson": Bart, either Michael Jackson is in a recording studio in Los Angeles or he is right here in your house offering to help you. It is up to you as to what you believe.</p> <p>Superman Returns was written by Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris and Bryan Singer</p> <p>Superman: Listen; what do you hear?</p> <p>Lois Lane: Nothing.</p> <p>Superman: I hear everything. You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior, but every day I hear people crying for one.</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Mark Hunter: Okay, down to business. I got my Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi, and uh, I got my Black Jack gum here! And I got that feeling. Mmm, yeah that familiar feeling? That something rank is going on out there.</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Mark Hunter: I don't know. Drugs are out. Sex is out. Politics are out. Everything is on hold. We definately need something new. I just keep waiting for some new voice to come out of somewhere and just say, "Hey! Wait a second. What is wrong with this picture? Just take a look around."</p> <p>The Faculty was written by Kevin Williamson, Bruce Kimmel and David Wechter</p> <p>Casey: If you were going to take over the world, would you blow up the White House 'Independence Day' style, or sneak in through the back door?</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Loretta Creswood: Can't you understand that nothing is more important then a good education.</p> <p>Brian Hunter: Except the basic right to it.</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Mark Hunter: You see I didn't plan it like this. My dumb dad got me this shortwave radio set so I could just talk to my buddies back east. But I couldn't reach anybody. So I just imagined I was talking to nobody, I imagined nobody listening. Maybe I imagined there would be one person out there... And then one day I woke up, and I realized I was never going to be normal, so I said, "Fuck it." I said, "So be it." And Happy Harry Hard-On was born. But I never meant to hurt anyone. I never meant to hurt anyone. I'm sorry Malcolm. I never said, "Don't do it."</p> <p>Taken from The Word on the Street by Rob Lacey</p> <p>Genesis 1:1-2-Fist off nothing...but God. No light, no time, no substance, no matter. Second off, God says the word and WHAP! Stuff everywhere! The cosmos in chaos: no shape, no form, no function-just darkness...total. And floating above it all, God’s Holy Spirit, ready to play.</p> <p>Taken from The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters In The Modern World by Wade Davis-Nainoa Thompson: That’s why we sail. So our children can grow up and be proud of whom they are. We are healing our souls by reconnecting to our ancestors. As we voyage we are creating new stories within the tradition of the old stories, we are literally creating a new culture out of the old.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Essential Series-This series provides the foundation of Christian teachings believed and followed by Alexis Skyrie, usually without the luxury of falling back on Popular Media to generate interest in reading.<br /> This text takes reflections from the Movie Web article Face/Off: What Makes the John Woo Movie An Action Masterpiece by Donnie Smith with corresponding Scriptures and other oddities of interest to the Christian community.<br /> The Devil wants you to stay in the Dark. God wants you in the Light and be Witnesses for Christ, who is being represented by this Grunge Worker.<br /> Matthew 6:11-Give us this day our daily bread.<br /> John 6:26- Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.<br /> John 6:56- he who is eating my flesh, and is drinking my blood, doth remain in me, and I in him.<br /> 1 Timothy 4:3-Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.<br /> 1 Corinthians 11:27-Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.<br /> Ecclesiastes 3:10- I have seen the task that God has given people to keep them occupied.<br /> 1 Thessalonians 1:5-For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.<br /> A labor of love.<br /> A Bible Goof Text<br /> A Scrapbook of Wonder<br /> Click Bait<br /> Warning: Text contains content for a Mature Audience<br /> The Matrix was written by The Wachowskis</p> <p>: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.<br /> : I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.</p> <p>What you are about to download isn’t just literature: it’s an attempt from the author to be your Pastor through the mediums of kobo and Facebook. It is a truly Christian experience and only the truly committed should apply, consequences outstanding.<br /> Taken from The Journey: How to Live in an Uncertain World by Billy Graham-Becoming a Christian takes only a single step; being a Christian means walking with Christ the rest of your life. Accepting Christ isn't the end but the beginning of a whole new life on God's path. Don't let anything keep you from that commitment.</p> <p>My ebooks are designed to be Church Services in an ebook. While there is a door price, being a Christian, and being led by a Church entity, you must continually suffer for Christ's sake and take up your cross with tithes towards the Church in question. In light of this, there are reminders of Coffee Breaks throughout this document regarding Romans 13:7 with some more light Christian reading pertaining to the faith in question.</p> <p>Taken from The Leadership Challenge 4th Edition by James M Kouzes and Barry Z Posner-Every single personal-best leadership case we collected involved some kind of challenge...Whatever the challenge, all the cases involved a change from the status quo.<br /> The Simpsons: Stark Raving Dad was written by Matt Groening, James L Brooks, and Sam Simon</p> <p>"Michael Jackson": Bart, either Michael Jackson is in a recording studio in Los Angeles or he is right here in your house offering to help you. It is up to you as to what you believe.</p> <p>Superman Returns was written by Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris and Bryan Singer</p> <p>Superman: Listen; what do you hear?</p> <p>Lois Lane: Nothing.</p> <p>Superman: I hear everything. You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior, but every day I hear people crying for one.</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Mark Hunter: Okay, down to business. I got my Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi, and uh, I got my Black Jack gum here! And I got that feeling. Mmm, yeah that familiar feeling? That something rank is going on out there.</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Mark Hunter: I don't know. Drugs are out. Sex is out. Politics are out. Everything is on hold. We definately need something new. I just keep waiting for some new voice to come out of somewhere and just say, "Hey! Wait a second. What is wrong with this picture? Just take a look around."</p> <p>The Faculty was written by Kevin Williamson, Bruce Kimmel and David Wechter</p> <p>Casey: If you were going to take over the world, would you blow up the White House 'Independence Day' style, or sneak in through the back door?</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Loretta Creswood: Can't you understand that nothing is more important then a good education.</p> <p>Brian Hunter: Except the basic right to it.</p> <p>Pump Up the Volume was written by Allan Moyle</p> <p>Mark Hunter: You see I didn't plan it like this. My dumb dad got me this shortwave radio set so I could just talk to my buddies back east. But I couldn't reach anybody. So I just imagined I was talking to nobody, I imagined nobody listening. Maybe I imagined there would be one person out there... And then one day I woke up, and I realized I was never going to be normal, so I said, "Fuck it." I said, "So be it." And Happy Harry Hard-On was born. But I never meant to hurt anyone. I never meant to hurt anyone. I'm sorry Malcolm. I never said, "Don't do it."</p> <p>Taken from The Word on the Street by Rob Lacey</p> <p>Genesis 1:1-2-Fist off nothing...but God. No light, no time, no substance, no matter. Second off, God says the word and WHAP! Stuff everywhere! The cosmos in chaos: no shape, no form, no function-just darkness...total. And floating above it all, God’s Holy Spirit, ready to play.</p> <p>Taken from The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters In The Modern World by Wade Davis-Nainoa Thompson: That’s why we sail. So our children can grow up and be proud of whom they are. We are healing our souls by reconnecting to our ancestors. As we voyage we are creating new stories within the tradition of the old stories, we are literally creating a new culture out of the old.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

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    【中古】 コレヒドール戦記 映画・ドラマ / ファーストトレーディング [DVD]【宅配便出荷】
    楽天もったいない本舗 おまとめ店

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    EANコード:4560285901318■こちらの商品もオススメです ● 駅馬車/ジョン・ウェインDVD/洋画アクション / ビデオメーカー [DVD] ● 洋画DVD ガス燈 シネマ・クラシック040 / ビデオメーカー [DVD] ● アパッチ砦/ジョン・ウェインDVD/洋画アクション / [DVD] ● チャンピオン/DVD/CCP-089 / ピーエスジー [DVD] ● 哀愁/DVD/CCP-065 / ピーエスジー [DVD] ● 打撃王/DVD/CCP-059 / ピーエスジー [DVD] ● マクリントック ジョン・ウェイン / ビデオメーカー [DVD] ● ガンヒルの決斗 / ジョン・スタージェス / ファーストトレーディング [DVD] ● 頭上の敵機/DVD/CCP-069 / ピーエスジー [DVD] ● 武器よさらば 映画・ドラマ / ファーストトレーディング [DVD] ● DVD 幌馬車 日本語吹き替えなし / ビデオメーカー [DVD] ● モロッコ 映画・ドラマ / ファーストトレーディング [DVD] ● アフリカの女王(シネマ・クラシック27) / [DVD] ● 映画DVD太平洋作戦 / ジョン・ウェイン ロバート・ライアン ドン・テイラー [DVD] ● ウィンチェスター銃’73/DVD/CCP-050 / ピーエスジー [DVD] ■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。
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  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアARIZONA: The Action-Filled Romantic Western of a Young Woman Who Made Pies, Money and American History Based on a True Story - She was Faster with a Gun than Most Men Basis for the Classic 1940 Western movie, 2 Oscar Nominations; 1 Win【電子書籍】
    ARIZONA: The Action-Filled Romantic Western of a Young Woman Who Made Pies, Money and American History Based on a True Story - She was Faster with a Gun than Most Men Basis for the Classic 1940 Western movie, 2 Oscar Nominations; 1 Win【電子書籍】

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>KELLAND'S MOST ASTONISHING, TOUCHING, AND PERSONALLY REVEALING WORK - WITH A HARD-HEADED HEROINE WHO CONQUERS A STATE - FILLED WITH ENOUGH MYSTERY, ROMANCE, AND GUNPLAY FOR TEN AVERAGE WESTERNS, PLUS PIE!</p> <p>"Kelland has done a masterful job weaving fact and fiction together. An ambitious undertaking." -The Arizona Republic</p> <p>The epic story of the first European settlements in Arizona, and the woman who led the way, as only Kelland could have told it.</p> <p>"Kelland's Phoebe Titus stays true to her name (Phoebe was the moon titan in Greek mythology). This Phoebe is a titan in the early days of Tucson. Although she does slowly fall in love with Peter Muncie (there is always an element of romance in Kelland's books), she does not turn into a girlie-girl just to win his affections. In fact, he respects and loves her for her strength and stubbornness. There's a scene right about the middle of the novel where bandits break into Phoebe's ranch, tie her up, threaten her life and rob her life's savings of $15,000. I cringed, expecting this to be the chance for Peter Muncie to return and rescue his now damsel in distress girlfriend. But he doesn't! He arrives late. She has to survive on her own wits and strength. Does this robbery change her mind from being a rancher in lawless Tucson? No. She changes her tactics slightly but she continues pressing on to make a living in a city she loves. Phoebe manages to stay true to herself and still find love and start a family (because she wants to, not because she feels she has to). Once again Kelland has delighted me with a novel full of realistic and interesting characters." ?5stars Sarah Sammis, Goodreads<br /> Arizona is one of Clarence Budington Kelland's best and most important novels, replete with mystery, thrills, historical accuracy ? and in the romance of the two lead characters a touching and charming portrait of the passionate, amusing, and completely off-beat relationship of his own mother, herself a hardheaded businesswoman, and father, an easy-going geek who worshiped her with all his heart.<br /> "Arizona is an exciting and rapid action yarn of life around Tucson in the early days of that settlement. Quite against the rule for such tales Mr. Kelland makes a woman his central figure. She is a true Kelland heroine who combines comeliness and a strong, resourceful nature. When Phoebe Titus and her old father reach Arizona on their way to California they are held up there by the sickness of Mr. Titus and are practically without funds. Phoebe makes pies and sells them for a dollar per pie; when enough dollars have accumulated she branches out into freighting and mining on the side and proves herself to be one of the best men of the lot. Mr. Kelland has placed his central story against a background of Indian fighting, scouting, double dealing, and all the other accessories of Western life in the 1860s when the Civil War was adding to the general involvements and handsome Government officers were crossing the plains and so furnishing heroes for Western romances. Phoebe marries one of them but it is her career of business conquest rather than love which gives "Arizona" its briskly individual quality." ?The Saturday Review of Literature</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>KELLAND'S MOST ASTONISHING, TOUCHING, AND PERSONALLY REVEALING WORK - WITH A HARD-HEADED HEROINE WHO CONQUERS A STATE - FILLED WITH ENOUGH MYSTERY, ROMANCE, AND GUNPLAY FOR TEN AVERAGE WESTERNS, PLUS PIE!</p> <p>"Kelland has done a masterful job weaving fact and fiction together. An ambitious undertaking." -The Arizona Republic</p> <p>The epic story of the first European settlements in Arizona, and the woman who led the way, as only Kelland could have told it.</p> <p>"Kelland's Phoebe Titus stays true to her name (Phoebe was the moon titan in Greek mythology). This Phoebe is a titan in the early days of Tucson. Although she does slowly fall in love with Peter Muncie (there is always an element of romance in Kelland's books), she does not turn into a girlie-girl just to win his affections. In fact, he respects and loves her for her strength and stubbornness. There's a scene right about the middle of the novel where bandits break into Phoebe's ranch, tie her up, threaten her life and rob her life's savings of $15,000. I cringed, expecting this to be the chance for Peter Muncie to return and rescue his now damsel in distress girlfriend. But he doesn't! He arrives late. She has to survive on her own wits and strength. Does this robbery change her mind from being a rancher in lawless Tucson? No. She changes her tactics slightly but she continues pressing on to make a living in a city she loves. Phoebe manages to stay true to herself and still find love and start a family (because she wants to, not because she feels she has to). Once again Kelland has delighted me with a novel full of realistic and interesting characters." ?5stars Sarah Sammis, Goodreads<br /> Arizona is one of Clarence Budington Kelland's best and most important novels, replete with mystery, thrills, historical accuracy ? and in the romance of the two lead characters a touching and charming portrait of the passionate, amusing, and completely off-beat relationship of his own mother, herself a hardheaded businesswoman, and father, an easy-going geek who worshiped her with all his heart.<br /> "Arizona is an exciting and rapid action yarn of life around Tucson in the early days of that settlement. Quite against the rule for such tales Mr. Kelland makes a woman his central figure. She is a true Kelland heroine who combines comeliness and a strong, resourceful nature. When Phoebe Titus and her old father reach Arizona on their way to California they are held up there by the sickness of Mr. Titus and are practically without funds. Phoebe makes pies and sells them for a dollar per pie; when enough dollars have accumulated she branches out into freighting and mining on the side and proves herself to be one of the best men of the lot. Mr. Kelland has placed his central story against a background of Indian fighting, scouting, double dealing, and all the other accessories of Western life in the 1860s when the Civil War was adding to the general involvements and handsome Government officers were crossing the plains and so furnishing heroes for Western romances. Phoebe marries one of them but it is her career of business conquest rather than love which gives "Arizona" its briskly individual quality." ?The Saturday Review of Literature</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。

  • 楽天楽天Kobo電子書籍ストアLights, Camera, Take Action Fifty-Two Weeks to a Better Life, One Movie at a Time【電子書籍】[ Joe Williams-Nelson ]
    Lights, Camera, Take Action Fifty-Two Weeks to a Better Life, One Movie at a Time【電子書籍】[ Joe Williams-Nelson ]

    【電子書籍なら、スマホ・パソコンの無料アプリで今すぐ読める!】<p>Everyone experiences pain and setbacks in their life. But life coaching can help you get back into the game of life by teaching you self-mastery over fears and beliefs that create obstacles to obtaining your goals. In Lights, Camera, Take Action, author and movie life coach Joe Williams-Nelson offers a guide to transform your life through movies. Throughout a yearlong period, Williams-Nelson details how watching one movie per week, reflecting on its message, journaling your thoughts and feelings, and following up with an action plan can help you gain control over your life. The movie Its A Wonderful Life will teach you to create a quiet space, to choose a title for your life plan, to choose a theme song for the year, and to find an inspirational motto for your life. Jerry Maguire will teach you to live with integrity, remain your authentic self, and create a mission statement. Lights, Camera, Take Action discusses the tools and principles used by some of the worlds most successful people. It encourages you to follow along for fifty-two weeks while some of your favorite stars inspire you to create the life of your dreams.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。


    <p>Everyone experiences pain and setbacks in their life. But life coaching can help you get back into the game of life by teaching you self-mastery over fears and beliefs that create obstacles to obtaining your goals. In Lights, Camera, Take Action, author and movie life coach Joe Williams-Nelson offers a guide to transform your life through movies. Throughout a yearlong period, Williams-Nelson details how watching one movie per week, reflecting on its message, journaling your thoughts and feelings, and following up with an action plan can help you gain control over your life. The movie Its A Wonderful Life will teach you to create a quiet space, to choose a title for your life plan, to choose a theme song for the year, and to find an inspirational motto for your life. Jerry Maguire will teach you to live with integrity, remain your authentic self, and create a mission statement. Lights, Camera, Take Action discusses the tools and principles used by some of the worlds most successful people. It encourages you to follow along for fifty-two weeks while some of your favorite stars inspire you to create the life of your dreams.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
    ※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
